
At Solid Rock Housing, we deeply value the generous contributions from our supporters, donors, and community, and we want to ensure transparency and accountability in how we utilize those donations.

Your financial contributions are crucial in our mission to provide stable and affordable housing solutions to those in need. Every dollar donated and every dollar spent in our Depots goes directly towards funding maintenance and community development initiatives.

We prioritize creating safe and comfortable living environments for individuals and families facing housing insecurity. Through your support, we can continue to build a solid foundation for those seeking a place to call home. Thank you for partnering with Solid Rock Housing as we work together to make a lasting impact on the lives of those less fortunate.

Ways to Donate

Used Appliances for sale at either Solid Rock location. Proceeds from these donated items will be used to supplement our Housing Support Initiative.
Donated windows and doors taken from houses and sold here to keep them out of the landfill. You can purchase these at either store location. Proceeds from these donated items will be used to supplement our Housing Support Initiaitive.
& Planned
Brand new area rugs in two different sizes available for purchase at our Norton Shores store. Proceeds from these donated items will be used to supplement our Housing Support Initiaitive.
a repair
Cupboard doors a plenty. Whether you want to upgrade your kitchen or another DIY project you can purchase these at either store location. Proceeds from these donated items will be used to supplement our Housing Support Initiaitive.
Ceramic tiles of shapes, sizes, and materials available to purchase at either store. Proceeds from these donated items will be used to supplement our Housing Support Initiaitive.